Man with anxiety

Anxiety and Sex Addiction

Written By: The Meadows Web Team

By: Anna McKenzie

Anxiety has a complicated relationship with sex addiction (or hypersexuality). Compulsive sexual behaviors may be a way for some to alleviate anxiety, but they may also create more anxiety. Additionally, anxiety can create intimacy issues as well as erectile dysfunction in men. So what should you know about anxiety and sex addiction? Can resolving one help resolve the other?

Is There an Anxiety Disorder and Sex Addiction Connection?

Researchers have conducted a number of studies where anxiety disorders and sex addiction can be associated, but no definitive causal link has been discovered. It seems that the relationship between anxiety and hypersexuality can take many forms. 

A Psychiatry (Edgmont) study reveals that some individuals with compulsive sexual behaviors are acting out in order to extinguish anxiety and fear. They don’t see their sexual behaviors as congruent with their authentic self or desires; in contrast, others with compulsive sexual behaviors who are not responding to anxiety see their sexual impulses as consistent with their self-image.

Social anxiety can also be correlated with sex addiction. In the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, a study on the usage of online dating apps showed that participants with high scores of sexual addiction also had high scores of social anxiety. The study suggested that participants may have been engaging in compulsive sexual activity as a way to achieve intimacy rather than to experience sexual excitement. Particularly in the population of those using online dating apps, overcoming social inhibition and intimacy problems seemed to be the intended goal, rather than the sexual behaviors. It’s possible that the pursuit of sexual behaviors became compulsory for that reason.

The study also stated, “It is unclear whether behavioral addictions are a maladaptive way of coping with depression or anxiety or that depressive and anxiety disorders occur as a consequence of behavioral addictions.” While characterized by a lack of control over sexual impulses, thoughts, and behaviors, sex addiction/hypersexuality is anything but simple. The nature of its connection to anxiety appears to be intricate and cyclical; sex addiction can create anxiety and also be an attempt to thwart anxiety.

While characterized by a lack of control over sexual impulses, thoughts, and behaviors, sex addiction/hypersexuality is anything but simple. The nature of its connection to anxiety appears to be intricate and cyclical; sex addiction can create anxiety and also be an attempt to thwart anxiety.

Anxiety is a multifaceted condition that occurs in varying degrees and has varying consequences. The experience of anxiety can depend on your background, personality, physiology, and psychology. Anxiety is connected to stress, and how you experience stress can differ in just as many ways. Both chronic stress and traumatic stress can have a significant impact on your mind and body

In fact, an excess of stress hormones is correlated with hypersexual behavior, though stress hormones can’t be said to cause such behavior. A study from ScienceDaily showed that men with hypersexual disorder had higher levels of stress hormones than those without hypersexual disorder — even after the study controlled for factors such as depression and childhood trauma.

Anxiety and Sex Drive in Men

A great deal of research can connect anxiety and sex drive in men; most often, it’s related to erectile dysfunction, says International Journal of Impotence Research. Sexual performance anxiety and high levels of stress often lead to disappointment and miscommunication in the bedroom. This tends to result in lower self-esteem and increased anxiety, a psychological burden that often yields continued physiological issues.

Sexual performance anxiety and high levels of stress often lead to disappointment and miscommunication in the bedroom. This tends to result in lower self-esteem and increased anxiety, a psychological burden that often yields continued physiological issues.

However, hypersexuality creates a different type of perpetuating anxiety. According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, one theory applied to hypersexual disorder suggests that “wanting” becomes divorced from “liking.” That is, someone suffering from hypersexuality may engage in compulsive sexual behaviors without liking them or feeling able to stop engaging in them. This fits the true addiction profile of feeling out of control over certain behaviors even in the face of negative consequences. For this reason and others, hypersexuality is connected to “sensation-seeking behavior, depression, and anxiety.”

Men with hypersexual disorder or sex addiction are typically not different from other men in terms of neurological development, intelligence, demographics, or family factors. “However,” the study says, “men with [hypersexual disorder] report differences in important areas of life, such as adverse experiences in childhood, problematic sexual behavior, and increased psychological difficulties.”

Men and Anxiety: Learning Healthy Coping Skills

Though they can’t be said to cause hypersexual behaviors, anxiety and stress can be tied to sex addiction in certain ways. A more positive response to stress can alleviate anxiety and support sex addiction recovery.

When it comes to men and anxiety, poor coping habits have often been showcased and passed down in both families and culture. Indulging in drinking, drugs, and sex have sometimes been viewed as socially acceptable ways for men to deal with anxiety. These behaviors can be even perceived as “more masculine” than processing trauma, expressing grief, connecting with others, and engaging in healthy activities. But the truth is that learning how to adapt to life in strong, positive ways is one of the best qualities of a mature man.

Get Help for Sex Addiction and Anxiety

Sex addiction and anxiety can be overcome. The hold that compulsive sexual behaviors have on you can be broken. At Gentle Path at The Meadows, we provide compassionate treatment for men who are dealing with hypersexuality and intimacy disorders. Our ambition is to help men rediscover their authentic selves and throw off the chains of substance use and compulsive behaviors. If you or a loved one is struggling, contact us today to learn more about our program.

December 13th, 2023

Categories: anxiety relationships sex addiction

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